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Re: Hint needed for packaging library using maven

On 03/27/2011 02:10 PM, Ludovic Claude wrote:
> Hello Andreas,
> You can use the mh_make tool from maven-debian-helper to generate the
> packaging:
> mh_make
> --from-svn=https://dcm4che.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dcm4che/dcm4che2/tags/DCM4CHE_2_0_25/
> It will download the sources and try to build the packaging for you, you
> simply need to answer a few questions. I have run it, and it looks like
> there are a few other packages to build first:
> - jai imageio (from http://java.net/projects/jai-imageio-core/)
> - maven-bundle-plugin from the Apache Felix project
> I'm planning to package the Maven Bundle plugin soon, I'm quite busy on
> other things, but if you can wait a little while, it will be easy to
> package this project after.
> You can start packaging imageio if it has not been done before.
> Cheers,
> Ludovic

Hello Andreas, Ludovic:

I was taking a look at JAI as well because I've been having to install
it by hand at work for GeoServer and it would be nice to have it in the
archive.  However, the copyright [1] for the library restricts the venue
of use, and so I don't believe the package can be uploaded to main.  (In
fact, it could be that it's not appropriate even for non-free, but I'd
have to look into that matter in more depth.)

If I end up packaging it for local use, perhaps it's useful to place the
packaging into the svn or git repo so others can build their own local
packages - does anyone know of other examples of this sort of
"packaging," or if it would be useful?

Thank you,

> [1] http://java.net/projects/jai-imageio-core/sources/svn/content/trunk/COPYRIGHT.txt?rev=254

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