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Re: Next question for help in Java packaging: beast-mcmc

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 02:06:54PM +0100, Niels Thykier wrote:
> jh_manifest follows the symlink and updates the original jar file rather
> than creating a copy of the original jar file and updating that copy.
> That being said; java generally does not support multiple purpose jars
> via the Manifest (you are only allowed to have one Main-Class per jar
> file in the manifest).

So my suspection was correct.
> You can either create a wrapper script that uses
>   java -cp /usr/share/java/beast-mcmc.jar <Main-Class> $@

There are wrapper scripts in the beast-mcmc source and my first try
was to use these.  However, I just failed to provide proper CLASSPATH
and the wrapper simply did not worked.  I've got the hint on this list
how to properly set the CLASSPATH in debian/rules and I tried it in


... but failed.  Any idea why this does not work?

> where Main-Class is based on the name of the wrapper script;
> alternatively you can create an empty for each of these with a manifest
> like this:
> Class-Path: /usr/share/java/beast-mcmc.jar
> Main-Class: $based_on_jar
> ...
Hmmm, an empty JAR file sounds like a dirty trick to me and in this
case I would rather drop the debian/manifest approach and try setting
the CLASSPATH in debian/rules.  Any hint why this does not work?
Kind regards



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