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Re: RFS: checkstyle (new upstream release)

Hi Niels,

On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net> wrote:
> All of them except Michael Koch are gone as far as I can tell; we should
> probably get them removed. Also Michael Koch is rather busy last I
> heard, so if you use or have an interest in checkstyle you may want to
> add yourself.

Ok. I updated the Uploaders list, now it only contains to
Michael Koch and myself.

> I cannot build it because libgoogle-collections-java does not appear to
> be available (tried unstable and experimental) plus it does not appear
> to be in NEW either. Am I missing something here?

libgoogle-collections-java 1.0-1 is available on experimental.
It depends on libjsr305-java but that package is queued at NEW
right now.

> Also why have you added a strict dependency on ant? As far as I can tell
> it is only used for the ant task, so I would assume this could also be
> used without ant installed (e.g. if you use Make or some other build
> system).

I based on the info provided by upstream website.
http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/dependencies.html but
you have right, the dependency on ant should be a Suggests.
Also I fixed a missing dependency on libcommons-logging-java.

> Finally, could you be convinced to rewrite the description to handle
> #554606 as well?

Already done.

Thanks for taking a look at this package,

Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at gmail.com
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"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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