Re: Debian/Ubuntu Java packaging - jMonkeyEngine
Hello Gabriele,
Your package looks good, I have fixed some details on copyright and
binary files remaining in the upstream package, so if a DD is available
please release this package to experimental.
Now that we have JME version 2 done, let's see what's needed for version 3.
On 11/30/2010 02:42 AM, Gabriele Giacone wrote:
> On 11/30/2010 12:24 AM, Ludovic Claude wrote:
>> Hello Erlend,
>> All right, I will try to help you to package jMonkeyEngine, that looks
>> like a fun project to work with. It will take some time though, I have a
>> long list of TODO already, and to package this project, we need first to
>> package all its dependencies. Those projects looks already not so
>> trivial, and many use JNI bindings and native code, which I'm not very
>> comfortable with.
>> jogl 1.1.1 is already packaged for Debian, which is good,
>> lwjgl 2.5 is packaged in Debian, can you upgrade jMonkeyEngine to this
>> version?
>> jinput 20100502 is in Debian, again, can you use this version?
>> gluegen is not packaged, we will need to package it first.
>> jorbis 0.0.17 is in Debian, can you use this version?
>> swt is available in Debian , which version are you using?
>> Also, can you make available the sources of jme-colladatabinding, if
>> possible with a versioned branch? This project will probably need its
>> own package, unless its release cycle matches jme, in which cse it's
>> less costly to package it inside jMonkeyEngine.
>> Most of the dependencies are already in Debian, so the troublemakers are
>> less daunting already ;-)
>> I'm CC-ing the Debian Java team, maybe some other people will be
>> interested as well to help.
>> When do you plan to release version 3.0? It would be nice to provide the
>> Debian packaging shortly after that release, and it would avoid some
>> unnecessary updates in Debian.
> Hi Ludovic,
> FWIW I packaged version 2.0 some months ago [1]. It's still there [2]
> and waiting for a sponsorship.
> If nobody wants to upload it as is, it might be a starting point to
> package 3.0.
> I started to package jme because a software I was packaging (in the
> meanwhile I gave up) depends on it.
> It's born as "public" so every team member may feel free to add
> himself to Uploaders and keep it up.
> If you don't like that, feel free to take my ITP over.
> As [1] says, reviews/uploads would be appreciated.
> Niels, 1st reviewer, I've just seen you're DD now, congrats! If
> interested, now you can :)
> Cheers,
> Gabriele
> [1]
> [2]
>> On 11/28/2010 11:33 AM, Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:
>>> *Hello ludovicc,*
>>> Thanks for getting in touch
>>> <>! I hope
>>> you don't mind, but I intend to let you take the lead on this one
>>> straight off the bat. I've tried contacting some other people found on
>>> similar Java packaging pages as the ones you pointed out, but I can't
>>> seem to get it right. With the links you provided me I've got some new
>>> options to pursue, but if you could just tell me to what extent you will
>>> be able to help us, we can take it from there.
>>> To answer your question in the thread, we use Ant. If make sure to
>>> reply-to-all then Normen and Kirill here will be able to answer any
>>> technical questions you might have. Our main goal here is to come up
>>> with a solution that won't be a drain on anyone's time, I hope that's
>>> reasonable.
>>> /Best regards,/
>>> /
>>> /
>>> /~ Erlend Sogge Heggen/
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