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Multiple tomcat instances

I'd like to know your opinion about multiple tomcat instances. I'd like to be able easy create multiple tomcat instances managed by root instead of by user itself. I've seen tomcat6-user package, but it is not exactly the same - if you create tomcat instances using it you loose some stuff such like default log rotation configs, init.d scripts etc.
What about packaging tomcat debian-postgresql way? Note the advantages:

* ability to create separate instances using different tomcat versions
* no work needed to maintain init.d scripts, logrotate configs etc.

For me (I believe that for some of you too) it would be very helpful. For now I'm maintaining my own standard using CATALINA_BASE/CATALINA_HOME and some set of templates for creating /opt/tomcatinst-X directories, I have some improvements to do and I consider spent some time on modifying tomcat debian packages to my needs instead of improving my own templates.

What do you think about?


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