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Re: bsh and jEdit

> Hello Gabriele,
> Since this version of bsh uses a different package for its classes and
> has a few jEdit patches, I think that it would be fine to simply ship it
> in the jEdit package. It's quite unlikely to be used outside of jEdit.


I don't quite see these as good reasons for shipping bsh twice. In fact, it
makes things a lot worse.  The worst case is of course security bugs in bsh; the
fixes of which have to be ported to jEdit. This is hardly doable if jEdit has
this somewhat-modified-but-pretty-similar code base in it. 

Anyway, I've been discussing this with Gabriele already and what we came up with
is the attempt to take bsh's upstream/Debian sources and determine the smallest
posssible diff/patch. Then we could build jedit by applying this patch, which
makes the changes well documented, at least. If the necessary changes could be
merged back into bsh it would be even better, of course.


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