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Re: RFS: cobertura

On Tue Jan 26 22:06, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
> - URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/cobertura
> - Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable
> main contrib non-free
> - dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/cobertura/cobertura_1.9.3+dfsg-1.dsc


I've reviewed the package and have a few comments (some of which need changing,
others are a matter of style).

 - any reason you're not using dh --with ant or --with javahelper and are doing
 everything by hand?

 - the API doc in cobertura-doc should still be located in /usr/share/doc/cobertura/api

 - Is cobertura really providing a library? If so, would it be better to split
 out a libcobertura-java package for things to depend on. If not, do you need
 the API and to have the jar in /usr/share/java?

 - is there any reason why you are depending on openjdk rather than
 default-jdk? If not, you should depend on default-jdk. You should also
 probably include the other virtual packages (java6-runtime etc)

 - ditto, you should build-dep on default-jdk

 - standards-version has just been changed to 3.8.4

 - there are still files in etc/dtds/ with the copyright notice:

    <!-- Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986:^M
    Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with^M conforming SGML
    systems and applications as defined in^M ISO 8879, provided this notice is
    included in all copies.^M

 which it's not clear is DFSG-free (in particular it doesn't seem to provide
 permission to distribute modified versions on derivative works)

 - (biggest issue here): Apache 1.1 licenced code seems not to be linkable with
   GPL-2+ licenced code:
   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GPLIncompatibleLicenses and
   you have both in cobertura. You should probably raise this with upstream and
   see what they say.

 - cobertura-doc suggests cobertura-java, but the other package is just cobertura

Matthew Johnson

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