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Difference between Ubuntu and Debian Java packages


The Java team takes care of a lot of packages (428)[3] and it's hard to
keep track of all packages. It becomes harder when you also need to
track the changes in other distros.

A simple thing to do is to look for changes in Ubuntu and try to
minimize the difference between the two distros by backporting these

This afternoon, I made a quick script[1][4] to see the difference.

How the packages are selected?
- Packages maintained within the team
- or Packages in section Java
- or Packages with a build-dep on default-jdk-builddep

I choosed these creterias because I noticed that some packages are not
in the correct section (like ant which is in section Java in Debian but
in devel in Ubuntu ... which seems strange) and with the hope to not
miss any package.

The script looks for the newest Debian (unstable) version, looks for the
Ubuntu (lucid) version, then: if the Ubuntu version is greater than the
Debian version, then looks for changes since the Debian version. It's
simple, gives interesting results but not the complete set of packages
since it doesn't look for differences in past versions (which should be
done some day).

Any results?
- There is some false positives (like -build* versions). I can filter
them out but I'd like to keep them in the list.
- There are a lot of (simple) changes that can be synced back.
- There are 76 packages in the list.
- The script can be used to see the changes in packages of another team.
All you have to do is to change the query at line 35.

I will try to sponsor every backport announced on this list when the
changes are relevant/applicable/valid.

[1] http://people.debian.org/~mehdi/java/grab-packages.sh
[2] http://people.debian.org/~mehdi/java/pkg-java-maint-pkgs.txt

[3] grep-dctrl -FMaintainer pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sources.Debian  | wc -l

[4] The interesting part is its output, not its source code :)

I hope that some of you would help me to backport these changes (when
relevant) and some comments or ideas for improvements,

Mehdi Dogguy مهدي الدڤي

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