Hint library name (was Re: Naming convention for Java gluelib ?)
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Matthew Johnson<mjj29@debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon Jun 08 18:12, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I could find the naming convention for C# binding:
>> http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/ch-packaging.html#s-gac-naming-versioning
>> I am now looking for a similar page for a library that would be
>> wrapped in Java. What would be the convention for a foo.jar requiring
>> a gluelib lib<insert proper name>.so ?
> Hi, this is one of the things I'd like to review at debconf this year
> since I think this whole area needs reviewing.
> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/ exists, which
> says:
> "If a Java library relies on native code, the dynamic libraries
> containing this compiled native code should be installed into the
> directory /usr/lib/jni. These dynamic libraries should be shipped in
> a separate architecture-specific package named libXXX[version]-jni.
> The package containing the Java bytecode (generally
> libXXX[version]-java) should depend on this package."
> which doesn't say much about file naming. A quick sample of the archive
> shows at least:
> libfoo-java.so, libjfoo.so, libfoojni-fullversion.so
> so, at the moment there's not really a standard. I've CC'd debian-java
> in case anyone there isn't reading debian-devel.
Excellent !
Quick question, in C# it is possible to hint the wrapped layer what is
the gluelib name. Does such mechanism exist in Java ? For instance my
jar file is called 'gdcm.jar' and the gluelib is (now):
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