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Eclipse & RCP deployment

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I would like to deploy a customized Eclipse development environment on
Debian Etch/Lenny. The method should also work for Eclipse RCP-Apps,
SWT-Apps and pure Java applications with Swing/AWT.

I saw following issues:

*) adding a menu icon

Entry into /usr/share/menu & /usr/share/applications

*) the right place in the file system

In the past I installed eclipse in my home directory, in /opt or in
As a deb-package I will take following structure:
 - Application into  /usr/share/<myeclipseappfolder>
 - Starter in /usr/bin/<myeclipsename>
 - Docs (changelog, readme,copyright,..) into

 - Icons into /usr/share/pixmaps/<<myeclipsename>.png,

 - Possible an entry into /usr/share/man/man1/<myeclipseappfolder>


*) Java Environment

The application should work independent from the system properties. So
the JRE (e.g. OpenJDK) could be an part of the application or better I
add an dependency to e.g. OpenJDK and the starter in /usr/bin/<..> use
OpenJDK directly if JAVA_HOME is unset. Ok?

As maintainer I will only guarantee that my application run with my
selected VM. Later I will add an /etc-entry to select the VM for
advanced user (e.g. system default VM, openjdk and so on).

*) Eclipse(OSGi) specific storage in e.g. ~/.eclipse/<myappname>

Is it enough to add an menu entry to clean the user specific data in
The idea behind is to reset the application to default settings without
knowing of e.g. ~/.eclipse/<myappname>.

What is your strategy?

What is your method to bring Eclipse-RCP-, SWT- and Swing-Application to
Debian?  Any feedback are welcome!

Nice greetings and happy new year

- --

Harald Krammer
Brucknerstrasse 33
A - 4020  Linz

Mobil +43.(0) 664. 130 59 58
Mail: Harald.Krammer (at) hkr.at

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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