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Re: openfire debian package

On Thu, June 12, 2008 19:14, Yann Rouillard wrote:
> Hi
> I am writing to this list because I am currently trying to make a debian
> package for openfire [1], a jabber server written java, for which a RFP
> has already been filed [2].
> I would like to make this package suitable for inclusion in debian and I
> am willing to maintain it.
> So I am looking for a debian developper to review this package to help
> me put it in a good shape.
> I tried to use jar files provided by debian packages instead of the ones
> provided in the archive when possible.
> However I may have some license problem with some files, see my last
> mail on the RFP bug or in the upstream bug [3].
> You can find the packages I made at the following urls:
> http://debian.pleiades.fr.eu.org/unstable/openfire_3.5.1-1.diff.gz
> http://debian.pleiades.fr.eu.org/unstable/openfire_3.5.1-1.dsc
> http://debian.pleiades.fr.eu.org/unstable/openfire_3.5.1-1_all.deb
> http://debian.pleiades.fr.eu.org/unstable/openfire_3.5.1-1_i386.changes
> http://debian.pleiades.fr.eu.org/unstable/openfire_3.5.1.orig.tar.gz
> Yann
> [1] http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/openfire/
> [2] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=429914
> [3] http://www.igniterealtime.org/issues/browse/JM-765

Hi Yann,

I'm not a DD so I would not be able to help you upload the package, but
there are others on the list who could do that when you are ready. A few
comments to be going on with...

1)  You build openfire using Sun Java. Does it fail to build with a free
Java implementation? If it could be built with a free Java more people
would probably be interested in helping.

2)  If it can't be built with a free Java, then openfire would have to go
into contrib (not part of the core debian distro). You'd need to amend
your debian/control for this.

3)  The orig.tar.gz is almost 50Mb, and includes what looks to be a Java
runtime (I'd guess a Sun one). This would should be removed from the
upstream tarball.

4)  There are many other jars in the tarball, and these should be removed
as well (even though you have included their copyrights/licenses in
debian/copyright). Generally binaries are not allowed in the orig.tar.gz
files (because of potential licensing issues, concerns about if the
package [and its dependencies] can be built from free source, size of
archive etc). You would normally also prune the Javadocs etc and
regenerate them in your debian build.

5)  The compiled Jars should normally live in /usr/share/java (symlinked
from elsewhere if necessary). I think you have got them the other way
around. The Jars are also normally versioned as well (e.g. junit.jar ->

6)  Are you sure the postinst is necessary? The mkdirs / chowns etc could
be done as part of debian/rules.

I hope this helps,


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