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Re: GNU/Linux Java Policy and Packaging

Tom Marble kirjoitti:
> I think the right way to flesh out these ideas is to
> work them up on the Wiki, but to get started let
> me write some here.  I realize most of this is already
> decided and works just fine...  Again the purpose
> is discussion:

I can explain in more detail our system if you want to take the best bits.

> Execution
> ---------
> 1. Handling alternative runtimes
>    Gracefully handle the co-existence of many different
>    runtimes (even multiple versions of one runtime).


betelgeuse@pena ~ $ eselect java-vm list
Available Java Virtual Machines:
  [1]   blackdown-jdk-1.4.2
  [2]   ibm-jdk-bin-1.4
  [3]   ibm-jdk-bin-1.5
  [4]   kaffe
  [5]   openjdk-1.7  user-vm
  [6]   sun-jdk-1.4  system-vm
  [7]   sun-jdk-1.5
  [8]   sun-jdk-1.6
  [9]   sun-jdk-
  [10]  sun-jdk-1.7
  [11]  sun-jre-bin-1.5
  [12]  sun-jre-bin-1.6

> 2. Insure that the man pages correspond to the
>    executables (e.g. 'man java' does the right thing
>    for the current /usr/bin/java alternative).

betelgeuse@pena ~ $ env | grep MANPATH

> 3. Gracefully handle all the features of a runtime
>    (e.g. the union of all possible programs in
>    a runtime, SDK, and also Java Plug-In).
>    Certain implementations may not have all the
>    executables (or plugin) and may need to rely
>    on some default (or error handling) behavior.


betelgeuse@pena ~ $ GENTOO_VM="sun-jre-bin-1.6" javac -version
* javac is not available for sun-jre-bin-1.6 on i686
* IMPORTANT: some Java tools are not available on some VMs on some

> 4. Support for binfmt_misc?

Was toying with this at some point but should be quite easy to implement
using an init script and some helpers.

> Administration
> --------------
> 5. Use the priority system for safe "default" behavior.

Seems Debian specific.

> 6. Command line tools for making choices
>    (e.g. update-java-alternatives).
>    It would be really nice for there to be global
>    defaults (priorities), system defaults, and then
>    user settings (where feasible).


> 7. GUI tools for making choices
>    (e.g. a GUI front end for update-java-alternatives).

Would be nice yes.

> 8. It will be important to have some interface
>    for runtime argument setting -- esp. for performance.
>    The challenge here is that tunings (e.g. heap, collector,
>    compiler, etc) are VM dependent.  And the packager's
>    default may not be a good system wide default.
>    And users should be able to override these settings
>    conveniently as well (e.g. for profiling/analysis,
>    for production environments)

checked but could be documented better

> 10. Filesystem conventions (FHS) for runtimes (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm)
>     and libraries (e.g. /usr/share/java).

Shouldn't really matter if you you can use something like java-config to
query the locations but of course Debian needs to have their own
internal policy.

betelgeuse@pena ~ $ java-config -p xalan

> Upstream and distro Integration
> -------------------------------
> 13. Common upstream watcher.  As many distros are interested
>     in new versions from the same upstream runtimes (and
>     libraries and apps) it seems that there is an opportunity
>     for us to collaborate at a community level on
>     some sort of notification of upstream publication
>     (i.e. something as simple as Atom/RSS for new versions)

freshmeat somewhat provides for this

> 14. Common package decomposition and interdependencies.
>     Again as many of these applications are identical across
>     distros (as are the libraries) we may be able to
>     reduce our community "energy budget" on packaging if
>     we can share the dependency graph despite packaging
>     format differences.

Well sure dep graph are easy to share but that's not where most of the
time packaging things is spent.

> 15. Common upstream/downstream bug integration.
>     Ideally if a bug is found in one distro it gets a
>     tracking bug upstream... and then the upstream bug
>     can point to all the distro specific bugs.
>     Perhaps stated more generally -- wouldn't it be
>     great if searching on "xcb protocol" would
>     list Java issues on *all* distros?

I haven't tried it but bugzilla 3.0 should have some features towards
this. But this is not Java specific and KDE/GNOME etc would benefit if
one day something like this is working.

> Petteri Räty has pointed out some of the very interesting
> approaches that Gentoo uses in it's java-config-2
> structure [2] (I have more documentation that can go on the Wiki).
> I'm not proposing that Debian adopt java-config-2 wholesale, but
> I think the Gentoo is an excellent example for discussing
> different approaches to addressing these challenges.

There is lot's more to our stuff that we didn't cover so feel free to
ask me if you need more info.

Gentoo/Java project lead

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