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Would like to understand tomcat permissions.

I am running debian unstable and have installed tomcat5 and eclipse.

Because there is no Debian eclipse-wtp package, I have downloaded and 
installed wtp via eclipse's internal mechanisms.  This (I think) is giving me 
as user 'alan' my own individual copy.

However, when I come to trying to set up a server under eclipse for debugging 
my java web application, wtp is trying to copy some of the tomcat 
configuration to local storage.  In particular it seems to be trying to read 
catalina.policy.  This is failing with permission denied because the whole 
directory /var/lib/tomcat5/conf does not allow world access.

Why?  I can understand why tomcat-users.xml needs special protection (although 
in actual fact that is world readable), but why the other files in this 
directory.  Given that the user and group are also different, I presume there 
is some logic behind this.

Does anyone know what it is?

I would like to understand what the correct thing for me to do is to make this 
work.   I can just join group 'adm', as this removes the restriction for now, 
but it seems not really to be the intent of this group.
Alan Chandler

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