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Re: naming library packages

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[I assume you are on the list so I don't Cc you]
Matthew Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
>> I'm surprised but I don't know 1.5 at all ;-). Serialization and
>> introspections exist until 1.2. Anyway, I don't know 1.5 ;-)
> 1.5 allows typed container classes, basically, so if you have an empty
> Vector in 1.4, or a method which takes a vector, you can't say what type
> it would contain. Even if you have an actual vector containing actual
> objects you have to inspect every one of them to make sure the typing is
> correct.

Isn't it what they call 'generics'? I don't know your program but you
could imagine your class keeping the type allowed in the Collection and
check the type in the add(Object) function and throw an exception if
it's not the right type.

Well. You'd like 1.5 ;-)

>> Did you file a bug report to classpath? If you could, it'd be cool.
> It's not really a bug, just they are implementing bits as they go along.
> It's been implemented in CVS now (at least according to the
> implementation coverage graphs), so filing a bug that its not been
> implemented isn't really useful. It's just not been released.

It's very cool to follow the classpath's development so close, many thanks!

>> There is no virtual package for jse5 (or j2se5.0 or j2se1.5 or whatever)
>> and versionned virtual packages are IMHO useless and should be removed.
>> So you have to depend on explicit j5se0: the one from Sun and the one
>> from IBM.
> OK, there's java1-runtime and java2-runtime, I assume at somepoint when
> all the generics and stuff are packaged there will be a java5-runtime.
> Build-Depends will have to be something complicated though.

I said: «versionned virtual packages are IMHO useless and should be
removed» ;-) I personnally do *not* want a java5-runtime virtual package.

>> About the name of the package, I don't like the idea of two packages
>> with different version of java so I suggest you upload the 1.4 package
>> in unstable and the 1.5 in experimental with the same name but increment
>> the version number of the package. (It'll also be less work for the ftp
>> masters).
> Hmm... its likely to be a while before java 1.5 makes it into main, so
> the 1.4 backport will be there for a while, but on the other had I'd
> like the 1.5 one to be available. Experimental is a nice solution for
> this.
> I'm just wondering whether you'd ever want them both installed.

No, it'll not be possible.

> Currently the 1.5 bindings are not backwards compatible with 1.4 ones. I
> might be able to fix this, but that means you want the 1.4 ones
> installed at the same time as the 1.5 ones when you have some apps
> written against each bindings. They both work with the 1.5 VMs though.
> I also think its possible that even when 1.5 is in main, people will
> still want to write for 1.4-only for a while.


Another possibility is one package where you split the jar files:


And add in your README.Debian file that those who wanna use the 1.4
should add yourlib-commons.jar *plus* yourlib-j2se1.4.jar, and for those
who wanna use the j5se should add the other lib instead of the 1.4 one.

To build your package, Build-Depend on j5sdk (the one from Sun and the
one from IBM, but one is suffisant) and Depend on j5se OR j2se (all the
possible versions: IBM AND Sun).

Another remark: IMHO a library should not depend on a runtime... any
way, this would require a change of the Debian Java Policy.


- --
 : :' :rnaud
 `. `'
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