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Re: FLOSS and servlets: recommendations

Andrew Vaughan wrote:

Debian stable is uh, stable.  Except for security bugs or other
serious bugs, it doesn't get updated.

I see. I've read  Kraft's "Debian System" book several times, but I
hadn't twigged that stable can't get packages added to it. So if I want
to run Tomcat on main, than I need a machine tht isn't running Sarge.
OK, thanks.

If you prefer tomcat4, why not just use the packages in contrib.
Everything in contrib is supposed to be free software.  It just has
build and/or runtime dependencies on non-free software.

That was a bit of a throwaway; if I have to be non-free at all, I may as
well go the whole hog, and run it on Windoze. I'm not up for compromises.

If you want to use debian's Tomcat5 packages, then a quick look at
the dependencies suggest that a mixed sarge/etch system is probably
ok iff you're prepared to run a Sun/IBM jre/jdk.

Yup. See above. If it's not free, then I don't really see the point of
struggling with it atg all.

You could also create an etch chroot and run Tomcat from there.

I know what chroot is supposed to do; but I'm no linux guru, and I don't
yet understand how I can use chroot to isolate etch from a system that
thinks it's Sarge. I'll have to look into that.

Is there some place I can keep up-to-date on what is going on with Tomcat 5.5 in Etch?

You could subscribe to the individual packages at http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/tomcat5.html http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/tomcat5.5.html

Yah. My mailbox will complain - those tend to generate bot traffic. I
meant human-originated stuff.


Jetty is in contrib (unstable only).  A quick look shows no obvious
reason why it couldn't be moved to main, so it may still be in
contrib purely because no-ones gotten around to moving it.  (It
build-depends on ant, which was in contrib when Jetty was first

Java stuff tends to depend on ant; I read something that seemed to say
that ant was licence-dodgy, at some point in time. Pages need timestamps!


I'm still at a loss to understand why it's so hard to find pages on
the web that deal with the state of servlets on free operating
systems, and are also up-to-date.

Both of the following google queries turn up over 10 pages of
results. Whether they're any good is of course another matter. http://www.google.com/search?q=tomcat+debian http://www.google.com/search?q=tomcat+linux

Yeah, those are the links I've been exploring for the last week or so.

The impression I have is that people who run servlets on Debian
today don't really care too much about freeness. They all seem to
be using Sun runtimes. But I haven't been searching on "Fedora
servlets" - perhaps FC5 is the way to go. Seems a shame.

I suspect that many of people hosting commercial apps are probably
running on top of Sun's/IBM's jre/jdk, mainly because Sun's jre/jdk
is the implementation that things tend to be tested/certified
against.  (And in the commercial hosting world, where downtime equals
dollars, that matters).

My background is mainly commercial, and my last employer relied on Sun.
But if I'm going to be freeee, I want to be completely freeee.

A good place to ask is probably somewhere the J2EE developers hang
out, eg the javalobby.org forums.

Yeah, I may end up there eventually.

But I'd sooner do it with Debian/Sarge/main, even if that means I
can't use Tomcat. And I don't mind participating in a testing
effort. It's not a commercial project that I'm doing, after all.

Testing is always welcome, but there is little point testing sarge,
since sarge is stable, and only serious bugs will be fixed.

See above; I hadn't twigged that Sarge can't have packages inserted, if
they're OK.


Yes, your remarks have beeen very helpful!

Best regards,

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