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Fwd: Problem saving Java file in Eclipse on Debian...

I forgot to mention that I am using Debian Version 3.1.2-2 of Eclipse.

Scott Huey

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Redefined Horizons <redefined.horizons@gmail.com>
Date: Jul 14, 2006 5:04 PM
Subject: Problem saving Java file in Eclipse on Debian...
To: debian-java@lists.debian.org

I was told about the Java mailing list on the general user list for
Debian. I wish I would have found it sooner!

I hope I can help support Java on Debian.

I have a few questions I was hoping to find answers to this morning.
I'll ask the first one here.

I'm running Debian Etch and I'm having trouble saving Java files in
Eclipse. I can save any other type of file, but not Java files. Here
is the error I receive:

SAVE FAILED:org/eclipse/ui/editors/text/TextFileDocumentProvider


I did some online searching for this error message and found this:


However, I have installed Blackdown's JDK and have it set as the
default Java environment for my system. I've also set the JAVA_HOME
variable to point to the Blackdown JDK in my /etc/profiles file.

Is anyone else having this problem? How might I fix it? If this is a
bug, do I need to file a bug report with the maintainers of the
Eclipse packages?


Scott Huey

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