Re: Bug#369950: eclipse could is not search in the right place for sun-java5-jdk
(sorry, sent previously to the wrong bug number :-( )
Please note that
1. The Eclipse packaging predates the recent changes
in java-common (>= 0.25) which is part of a broader
Debian Java Policy initiative to harmonize
access to multiple implementations [1].
At some point the Eclipse packaging should simply
start with /usr/bin/java (assuming there is at a least
one implementation available as determined by
adding Depends: java-runtime ).
2. The following fix to the current eclipse packaging has been
tested and works (if *no other implementations are
tmarble@techno 13% diff -Naur eclipse-3.1.2{-pristine,}/debian/extra/java_home
--- eclipse-3.1.2-pristine/debian/extra/java_home 2006-07-07 19:46:33.000000000 -0500
+++ eclipse-3.1.2/debian/extra/java_home 2006-07-09 16:23:16.000000000 -0500
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
tmarble@techno 14%
3. Note if one of the two implementations is installed on
the system which precede Sun Java (in java_home above)
then Eclipse will start with the first one it finds.
In that case the work around is to add the following
to ~/.eclipse/eclipserc
4. Even in the case listed in #3 Sun Java can still be used
to edit and run Java programs by doing the following:
a. open the Window | Preferences dialog
b. Expand the tree > Java > Editor > Installed JREs
c. click Add...
select the /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun directory
Allow my to respectfully propose the patch in #2 be applied
to the current Eclipse packaging to close this bug.
Then, separately, as Debian Java Policy evolves the Eclipse
packaging should be updated to take those conventions
into account.
P.S. Please note, also, that I have just updated the documentation
for installing the Sun JRE on Debian:
as well as installing the Sun JDK on Debian:
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