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CDBS helper for building the Eclipse plugins (was: Re: RFS: subclipse (bug #238733) and related)

Michael Koch wrote:

>> - cdbs-eclipse (Eclipse PDE Build extension for CDBS)
>>  cdbs-eclipse provides make scripts to build Eclipse features and
>>  plugins using the Eclipse PDE Build system. These scripts extend
>>  the Common Debian Build System.
>>  .
>>  Homepage http://debian-eclipse.wfrag.org/tracpy/wiki/PdeBuild
> Please discuss cdbs-eclipse with the Eclipse maintainers on
> debian-java@lists.debian.org. I know that I'm one of the them but this
> list is inappropriate for this talk. Furthermore I would like to see
> this functionality directly in cdbs package and not some package
> depending on cdbs.

I've reported a bug against CDBS to include these rules some days ago.
The CDBS team made a fair note that before including these rules into
the cdbs package there should be packages using these rules.

However, after googling I've found that mine script (however, very
modified version) is used in packaging some other extensions (for
example, eclipse-emf and eclipse-gef). Surprise :)

I think, we need to merge all instances of this script and propose it
again to the cdbs team. Probably, the script in the pkg-java is more
powerfull than mine, but I see one flaw in it that I want to discuss
with those who use the eclipse-pdebuild.mk rules.

The modified version of the rules (that I found in the pkg-java SVN
repository) does not support creating "local" Eclipse installation (mine
script creates it in the debian/eclipse-local by default) and this leads
to the problem. The plugins being built MUST NOT be installed in the
Eclipse runtime used for building. And if package is already installed
and package creates the link in the Eclipse directory (e.g,
/usr/share/eclipse/links/subclipse.link) or installs directly to the
Eclipse installation then you cannot use this runtime for building the
subclipse. That's why I create "local" Eclipse installation, copying
only links what are requested.

I think, for the same reason you should not install the plugins/features
directly in the Eclipse directory, since in this case there will be no
simple way to "remove" the plugins being built from the runtime.
Disabling them (using the Eclipse command line) does not help, AFAIR.

However, I can mistake about the necessity to remove plugins being built
from the runtime that is used for building. I remember, I had some
problems with this.

Ivan S. Dubrov

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