Experimental java-common
hello list,
I have uploaded an experimental version of java-common to my account on
people.debian.org. You can fetch it at:
This version adds a debconf dialog to the postinst script of
java-common. Its now possible to configure the system Java runtime with
update-java-alternative and have a nice debconf frontend. People just
need to run
dpkg-reconfigure java-common
as root. To make this all work we have to add *.jinfo files to each
runtime we have in Debian. Currently java-gcj-compat and SUN JDK (from
non-free) have this. I would be good to add a paragraph to the policy
about this.
Any opinions about this?
BTW: This version is not commited to pkg-java SVN repository. It will
not be in its current form. It needs much more polishing. This is just a
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