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Re: RFH: Test swt-gtk (azureus) on ia64 and alpha

Shaun Jackman writes:
> It has been reported that swt-gtk -- and azureus, which depends on it
> -- does not work on amd64. I suspect this is true of all 64-bit
> architectures. If you have access to a 64-bit architecture besides
> amd64, I would very much appreciate your help with this bug. The
> version in Sarge (libswt-gtk3=3.0-6) as well as the version that was
> in unstable (libswt-gtk-3.1=3.1.2-1) on 2006-02-07 both need testing.

does this work with libswt3.1-gtk-java (at least on amd64)? For alpha
we should build that from the eclipse source without building eclipse


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