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Re: [Quantian-general] Weka Machine Learning Environment


[ BTW I had to manually approve your post as you're not (yet ?)  subscribed
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On 5 November 2005 at 12:09, mcpherb@nationwide.com wrote:
| I would be very interested in seeing the Weka machine learning environment
| added to a live-DVD, such as Quantian.  Weka is a powerful, open-source
| data mining package with many artificial intelligence algrorithms, created
| at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.  It is written in Java, and so

Sure, I'm aware of Weka and their book, but have never installed it as I find
Java so tedious to work with.

I also have limited time and bandwidth for figuring out suggested packages.
If you could help with Weka, for example by installing Knoppix 4.0.2
(possibly the cdrom version) to disk and then documenting what you to do to
install Weka, and make it work well, I'd be helped quite a bit. Ideally, of
course, would be a Debian package encapsulating all this. It may be
worthwhile mentioning this to the good folks over at debian-java -- cc'ed. [
Debian-java'ers, please CC us back directly on follow-ups. ] 

| is platform independent.  There is also a version that can be set up in a
| cluster configuration, called Cluster Weka.

I didn't know that. What messaging toolkit do they use? Something like PVM or
LAM, or something homegrown?

| If you are interested, the website is:
| http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
| Your work on the Quantian project is marvelous, and I applaud your efforts,
| and your contribution to the open-source community.

Thanks for your interest in Quantian, and the kind words.
Cheers, Dirk

| Bob McPherson
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