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Eclipse for Debian PowerPC?

Hello folks,

I'm wondering if there are some [un]official apt sources lists for
getting eclipse running on Debian PowerPC architecture?

Actually installing eclipse on PowerPC (sid) fails, using the official
Debian package pool, due to the unavailable libswt2.1-gtk2-jni

I'm running IBM's 1.4.2 Java-SDK on my G3 iBook so the environment
should be ready for eclipse -- I'm just yet looking for the PowerPC
packages, on my i386 workstation anything works fine.

Thanks in advance for feedback.
Best regards,


P.S. Please Cc: me on each reply as far as I'm off-list, thanks.

   .''`.   Ivo Marino <eim@mentors.debian.net>
  : :' :   irc.FreeNode.net chan #debian-mentors
  `. ``    UIN 32463141 + JID eim@jabber.linux.it
    `-     Homepage http://mentors.debian.net/~eim/

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