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Re: Missing JSpinner component

Hi Eric,

Eric Lavarde - Debian wrote:
> A have an additional question though:
> Under http://java.debian.net/index.php/ShouldGoToMain, chapter "Swing
> problem", it's written:
>>Many of these packages might be buildable using [SwingWT], an
>>implementation of Swing and AWT based on SWT (which is now in main).
>>It claims to be an almost complete drop-in replacement, and can be built
>>to use the class names java.awt.* and javax.swing.* .
>>(But it's not the way we wanna go in Debian (avdyk)).
> Mmh, what is the way we wanna go in Debian?

For me and most others I think:

Waiting - and helping out - for a working swing implementation in GNU
classpath. When this goal is achieved for the different applications is
to be decided by the packager (who should from time to time test it

Using SwingWT would only be an alternative if it would be complete.
Last time I checked there was to much stuff missing. So this could
also be only decided on an application basis.


PS: Are you now subscribed to pkg-java-maintainers and debian-java

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