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Re: java-functions in Debian


>> I don't know this file or what it does/should do, but I don't think
>> you will find any jpackage specific functions/tools in Debian packages.
>> Please, anybody correct me if I am wrong :-)
> Yet! ;-)
> It'd be cool to have jpackage in Debian. Two years ago, Dalibor (Topic)
> and Mark (Wielaard) told me about jpackage...
I second this idea, it would be way cool (and easier to package programs),
if the base/library Java packages would be aligned between both (in terms
of package names and content). Jpackage is becoming (or has become) the
standard among RPM based distros (at least SuSE and Red-Hat use it).
They also have a Java policy, which could possibly be quite easily aligned
with the Debian Java policy (actually both are quite complementary IMHO).

Based on my experience with Debian, I tried to package FreeMind for
jpackage as well, but got lost in the different dependencies. It was
almost impossible to map package dependencies between Debian and Jpackage:
- package names were sometimes completely different
- source level was different
- library filenames were also different
Alignment between both would be really, really helpful!

Cheers, Eric

Eric de France, d'Allemagne et de Navarre

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