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Re: First try at free-java-sdk with jcalendar... some help required.


Wolfgang Baer wrote:
Eric Lavarde wrote:

I replaced all java.awt/javax.swing through swingwt.awt/swingwtx.swing but now I get a compilation error without any hint on why. I created a target for this:

What is the error ? Does -verbose gives you no hints ?

Oh yes, of course: that I should check the above (non-existing) error messages for more information... :->


Gewalt ist die letzte Zuflucht der Inkompetenz.
    Violence is the Last Resort of the Incompetent.
        Gwalt jest ostatnem schronieniem niekompetencji.
            La violence est le dernier refuge de l'incompetence.
    ~ Isaac Asimov

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