[RFC] Debian Java Announcement for Sarge
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Hi Debian J*v* people,
I think we have to make an announcement about debian-java in Sarge: what
is the status java in Debian, how many packages we moved to main, what
are the changes from Woody etc.
0° Introduction (I forget to make one... any idea?);
1° Status of the JVM's from Woody to Sarge;
2° Java packages (libs and apps);
3° Packages that move from contrib to main;
4° Debian Java Maintainers;
5° Future;
6° Conclusion.
Thanks for your comments about the organization of the document.
I think we can publish this mail on the wiki and work on it, then put it
in the alioth's cvs:
/cvsroot/pkg-java: create a docs dir with an announces dir, and then a
file we can call DebianJavaInSarge.txt or something.
0° Introduction
1° Status of the JVM's from Woody to Sarge
- new:
+ sablevm
+ jamvm
+ I think I forget some...
- updated:
+ gcj/gij (3.0 -> 3.3 and 3.4)
+ kaffe (1.0.5e -> 1.1.5)
- removed:
+ kissme
+ orp
2° Java packages (libs and apps)
- new:
+ antlr
+ batik
+ bcel
+ checkstyle
+ classpath
+ fop
+ gjdoc
+ mysqlconnector
+ libant (in main)
+ rhino
+ velocity
+ lot of important libs
+ lot of jakarta libs (and jakarta-commons libs)
- update:
+ ant (1.4.1 -> 1.6.2)
+ bsh (1.1alpha5 -> 1.3.0)
+ postgresql jdbc driver (7.2 -> 7.4.7)
+ tomcat4 (4.0.3 -> 4.1.31)
- removed:
+ cocoon
+ libservlet2.2 (replaced by libservlet2.3)
+ xml-soap
+ log4j (replaced by log4j1.2)
3° Packages that move from contrib to main
1. libgnuinet-java
2. libxerces2-java
3. javacc
4. libcommons-collections-java
5. liblog4j1.2-java
6. gjdoc
7. libsaxpath-java
8. logkit
9. libjdom1-java
10. libcommons-lang-java
11. libcommons-beanutils-java
12. libcommons-logging-java
13. libcommons-digester-java
14. libcommons-jexl-java
15. libcommons-discovery-java
16. libcommons-pool-java
17. libcommons-dbcp-java
18. libcommons-cli-java
19. libcommons-validator-java
20. libcommons-jxpath-java
21. libcommons-fileupload-java
22. libservlet2.3-java
23. libbcel-java
24. libjsch-java
25. libswt-gtk-3.1-java
26. checkstyle
27. rhino
28. libjdepend-java
29. libgnujmi-java
30. libmx4j-java
31. coco-java
32. werken.xpath
33. libcommons-modeler-java
34. libcommons-daemon-java
35. libpgjava
36. libmysql-java
37. velocity
I'd like to thank the excellent work of the Free GNU/Classpath
Community on the Free VM's.
4° Debian Java Maintainers
One of the best thing we have in Debian is Alioth! Many thanks to
those who made the project possible and who maintain it.
Stefan Gybas started Debian Java Maintainers (pkg-java) on April 13,
2003 and from that time, we tried to maintain the more java packages
we can, asking developers to join the effort. The main Debian
Developers involved in Java packaging joined the project and a lot of
non Debian Developers help us a lot (20 members at the moment).
In my humble opinion, starting the project and co-maintaining the
Java packages were real improvements. We have less unmaintained
packages and they are in a better shape.
5° Future
- fix the Debian Java Policy;
- update the Debian Java FAQ;
- more packages to pkg-java;
- every packages to cdbs;
- every packages to generate documentation with gjdoc, build the
classpath documentation and make the javadoc to link to the
appropriate libraries;
- add a debian/watch file to every packages;
- fix every bugs;
- update our packages and clean up packages that are dead upstream;
- more packages to main;
- help free GNU Classpath hackers;
- help upstream to build really free projects;
- eclipse, tomcat5, dom4j, hibernate, spring, jonas and or jboss are
packages I'd like to see in Debian. The list of important package
could of course grow;
The list is not finished, maybe this paragraph can be deleted, RFC.
6° Conclusion
Even if Java is not in the shape we'd like it to be in Debian at the
moment, there are a lot of work to make it fit the best we can in the
We plan to integrate Java more and more in Debian and make it really
Thanks for your time,
- --
: :' :rnaud
`. `'
Java Trap: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
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