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Re: [Fw] Accepted kaffe 2:1.1.4.PRECVS7-1 (powerpc all source)

Hi Arnaud,

On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 10:24:54PM +0100, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> I've upload a new kaffe release. It's taken from CVS HEAD. It's not
> perfect but it's better then the one in the archive at the moment. I
> don't know if it should go to Sarge because a new package should be
> upload next week.

> Kaffe developers are working hard on a release.

> I think having kaffe in a good shape in Debian is a must.

> PS: this release does not have a working gjdoc (gjdoc is a very
>     important peace for free java)

I agree that this is important; unfortunately, with kaffe having been broken
as long as it has, I've had to start looking at what would be required to
remove from testing those packages that FTBFS with the current gjdoc.  Is
the next upload that you mention going to fix the gjdoc problems?

> Is it possible to let people test this package, then the one next week,
> and if everything is ok by the end of February, let kaffe hit Sarge?

If we can actually count on kaffe/gjdoc being fixed and final by the end of
February, I think this is very good news.  Hopefully your tests before
uploading the new version will include checking on bugs #279374 and #285203
and fixing anything that needs to be fixed on the kaffe side to get rid of
these bugs.

Also, is #286264 still an open issue, or should it be considered closed with
the most recent upload?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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