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ENOUGH already!

This has been said before, but obviously nobody listened. I sort of hope repetition will eventually get the message through.

The half-dozen of you who're endlessly debating about licensing issues surrounding VM's and bytecode produced by [insert specific javac here] are, in effect, SPAMMING debian-java.

The goal of debian-java is NOT to discuss legal issues. The goal of debian-java is to discuss JAVA on Debian. Its availability as both free and non-free packages, its situation in pools such as main, its status regarding the next releases, its packaging, etc.

NOT the legal status of whatever is produced by any given java package.

People interested in this latter subject subscribe to debian-legal, and if necessary filter it with Java keywords.

For the past week or so, 99% of what we've been getting in debian-java is your discussion (which often should rather be called "bickering") around issues most of us are only secondarily concerned about.

This discourages both long-time readers and newbyes to pay attention to the list.

Please STOP mailing this to debian-java! STOP even putting debian-java in CC's, for Chrissakes! We DON'T want to have this legal stuff forced unto us! If we do, we subscribe to debian-legal.

Lists have specific topics. Please respect those. As a matter of basic Netiquette.


Christophe Porteneuve
"Programming is an Art form that fights back."

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