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Re: RFS: eclipse 2.1.3-1

Hallo Arnaud,

* Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
>1° xml problem with ant has been resolved by adding the relevant
>   libraries in debian/bin/build-java.sh as you told me. Add this line
>   at the beginning of the script.
>export CLASSPATH="/usr/share/java/jaxp-1.2.jar:/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar"

I think that is a ant bug and Stephan said he will change that

As a sidenote: This would be solved by the discussed scripts for a new
java policy...

>2° but when building for powerpc, I have to add this line:
>   OS_WS="-Dos=linux -Dws=gtk -Darch=powerpc"
>   in debian/bin/build-java.sh

This is wrong. All arch are compiled with a x86 string. I know it
looks stupid, but this system is used in eclipse to make 
'unzip a drop over another drop' possible.

There are three places, where this value is used.
* The launcher, which sets the value at runtime
* the classlaoder, which loads native library from a subdir called
* At buildtime such a dir is created.

So you could actually chnage that to 'debian' and it wouldn'T change
anything. It just has to be consistent in all places. I haven'T had a
look into each part of the code and I don't want to do it just to get
a different value there.

So, to sum it up: I don't think that this is the problem. :)

Please drop me a mail with the stacktrace of ant. Please add a '-v' to
the ant call.

Ther is another isue: The latest package can be used to compile arch
depended code only, so you need not to compile the java code. 

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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