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rxtx (lib-rxtx-java) compiles with kaffe (i386)


I have managed to get RXTX to compile with current versions of kaffe
which means, if I understand correctly, that it could be moved from
contrib into main.

Additionally, the attached diff fixes a couple of things that are
wrong with the 2.1.6-1 versions that is currently in contrib:

  * Ship one jar file instead of individual classfiles in
  * Renamed binary package according to Java sub-policy (renamed
    lib-rxtx-java to librxtx-java
  * Fixed Build-Depends and Depends to include a real package
    (kaffe-dev, kaffe) in order to shut up lintian

The patch should be applied to the upstream 2.1.6 sources that can be
found in contrib.

I have successfully tested this with a non-free Java PBX configuration
program[1] to the point that it tried to access the serial port (but
since I don't have any of the supported PBXes physically close to my
development machine, I'm not sure whether it would really have talked
to a connected PBX).

Could you plesase try if the fixed package compiles for architectures
other than i386 and give me feedback? Thanks.


[1] COMset and friends by Auerswald http://www.auerswald.de/

Attachment: rxtx_2.1.6-1.1.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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