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Re: Installation of Sun JDK2 SDK

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 13:55, Andreas Kuckartz wrote:
> I am looking for documentation describing all the steps which are necessary
> to install Sun JDK2 SDK on Debian (Sarge).
> [...]

> Is there a simpler way? (A debian package with a current version of the JDK
> SDK would be ok als well :-)

I'm currently using debian packages from Innovations SW, here are the
sources lines to add:

deb http://debian.innovationsw.com/debian unstable/i386/
deb http://debian.innovationsw.com/debian unstable/all/
deb-src http://debian.innovationsw.com/debian unstable/source/

They works just fine for me (j2sdk 1.4.2 is provided).


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