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Re: java2-runtime, was Re: Bug#227587: [PROPOSAL] Java library dependencies

Hallo Stefan,

* Stefan Gybas wrote:
>[Not CC'ing the bug since it's not related to it]

Thought so, too, but was too lazy :)

>Jan Schulz wrote:
>>Which version? The content changed quite havily with the discussion :)
>The original one. As I've said, I've not yet read the discussion yet. 

Hm, better go to the Proposal before the last one and start there.
Most of the arguments are repeated there and it lead to teh final
version, which IMO will work quite well.

>I'll send my comments in a couple of days so we can discuss all this at 

You can als start adding comments to the CommonJavaPackaging page at
the java.debian.net wiki. I hope we can do some more work on the whole
issue and then do a policy proposal, which will also implemnted by
gentoo and jpackage.

>The /usr/bin/java* alternatives don't matter since tomcat4 does not use 

BTW, is that actually a bug? My latest eclipse package will fail if
sablevm is sinstalled and /usr/bin/java is set to to it *and* neither
gij nor kaffe nor and JAVA_HOME is set. Just got the first bugreport.
What a mess...

>I'm concerned that not all required packages are installed to run 
>tomcat4 although all depencenies are satisfied. I have to remove 
>java2-runtime and only depend on the known to work JVMs.

I would like to do that as well, but recent BD packages, as I said
before, will not run eclipse as well in some cicumstances. So I
actually have no packaged JVM, which will run eclipse. Only
j2se-package will do the trick with 1.4.2 JVMs.

BTW: I think tomcat will run into the same problem...

>I fully agree with you! The only useful things in the current Java 
>Policy are /usr/share/java for JARs, /usr/lib/jni and the naming of 
>library packages. Everything else is based on wrong assumtions. :-(

You summed the last version of the policy proposal nicely up: That's
probably the only thing, which I kept from the old version. Although I
have to say, that I changed the naming to
lib<something><API-version>-java and the jars to

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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