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Re: [ANN] New version of j2se-package (formerly mpkg-j2sdk)

Hallo Hubert,

* Hubert Schmid wrote:
>the package also be called 'mpkg-j2se'?

BTW: what does "2se stand for?" 

>Another question: Jan proposed (in private mail) to rename the created
>package "sun-j2sdk1.4" into "sun-j2sdk1.4upstream" (or something similar)
>and to rename the peer package from "sun-j2sdk1.4debian" into
>"sun-j2sdk1.4"? In his opinion, this solves some problems with
>dependences and the proposal for the new java policy.

Just to get some background:

The peer package will take the 'java-config file', so a package must
depend on the peer package or the upstream package has to have a
Depednecy on the peer package. (All if the proposed policy becomes

The latter would require a Upstream depends on Peer (Peer depends on
Upstream anyway...), which will result in a real mess, as Peer is in
the apt database and Upstream is only available by dpkg -i. So that
would mean, that you either download the peer package and install it
within the same dpkg call or setup a local apt source for the upstream
package to make it installable by apt.

The first would mean, that all java apps would Depends: on
<package>debian and all findjava calls would be made to
'<package>debian', which I find a mess as well. At least it makes the
dependencies and findjava calls bad to read.

So I would prefer to rename the upstream package into <package-upstream> and
the peer package into <package>.

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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