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Re: findjava requirement

In message:  <[🔎] 20030924214550.A7188@digican.ms.unimelb.edu.au>
             Ben Burton <bab@debian.org> writes:
>[...] some piece of sh black magic
>that gets the quotes right and separates arguments - some of which
>may contain spaces - at exactly the right places [1]).

FWIW, the black magic is "$*" (including the quotes).

>If writing it in Perl means we're more confident in its correctness in
>all cases, I say let's do it.  After all, this is a script that will be
>used by *every* Java package.

Agreed.  Perl is pretty tightly woven into Debian anyway; we might
as well make use of it.  Maintainers who want their java packages
not to depend on perl can always compile to native and avoid the
whole runtime question.

- Alex

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