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Java Environment Setup

I was curious if anybody had given thought to setting up a Java
environment script of some sort that would set up JAVA_HOME and
CLASSPATH depending on the alternitives set.

I think this is actually a small thing Debian itself lacks. Some other
distros I have used, such as Gentoo, provide a env.d folder in /etc for
including environment script per-package. Has anybody put any thought
into this for Debian and came to a conclusion why we would or wouldn't
implement it?

I can visualize a line in the default .bash_profile which sources
/etc/environment, which would be auto generated by an update-environment
command from all the scripts contained in /etc/env.d.

A Java environment might be like

/etc/env.d/java -> /etc/alternatives/java-environment
/etc/alternatives/java-environment -> /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/environment

Alternatives for another JVM might point the script elsewhere.

The script would be responsible for setting up JAVA_HOME. Perhaps it
could also source another script that sets up CLASSPATH in some way.

Just floating some ideas!


Jerry Haltom <jhaltom@feedbackplusinc.com>
Feedback Plus, Inc.

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