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Re: Package javax.ejb does not exist !

On Sunday 01 June 2003 18:19, Michael S Daines wrote:
> When I try to compile an EJB, I get this message:
> xxx.java:3: package javax.egb does not exist
> import javax.ejb.*;
> ^
> 1 error
> How do I solve this problem?  I tried copying all the j2ee files into the
> jdk directory, but this didn't change anything.
> msd
> ------------
> "More people have died in the name of religion than have ever died of
> cancer. And we try to cure cancer."
>   - Kurt Wagner, aka Nightcrawler
>     Uncanny X-Men 423

Which directory?  It should be the ${JREHOME}/lib/ext directory.

To see if it is the correct directory add the jar file(s)
explicitly to the classpath.  If that still fails use jar with the t option
to look at the jars and check you have the right ones.


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