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eclipse packages for !i386 platforms for sarge release


A quick look at my 'update-excuses' [1] showed, that eclipse is currently
hold back because of several issues:

* Some libs, which can't do anything about...

* As there are no autobuilder in contrib, I need to provide the
platform dependend packages for !i386 platforms. I have no idea, how I
should get that happen? Is there anybody, which has the time to build
eclipse on PPC or other platforms and can upload the packages?

* Another issue is the 'not available' j2sdk1.3/1.4. How is that dealt
with? As eclipse will not run without such a thing, I don't know how
this can be worked around other than removing all platforms, which
have no working JDK [2],[3]:

BD/SUN(?): 1.3: powerpc, i386, sparc
           1.4: i386, sparc
IBM:       1.3: i386, s390(?)
           1.4: i386, s390(?)

I'm actually not sure, what IBM offers there: They have a JDK for
"32-bit xSeries (Intel compatible)", "32-bit iSeries/pSeries", "64-bit
iSeries/pSeries", "31-bit zSeries (S/390)" and "64-bit zSeries (S/390)".
Maybe someone can enlighten me, what the 'iSeries/pSeries' is and of
the last two bits are what debian calls s390...

Currently eclipse is shiped mostly as 'Architecture: all', but there
are platform dependend modules (JNI -> SWT, other). Also, this libs
are not 64bit clean, which is why the libs are already not shiped as
'Arch: any'.

What is the recomended way to deal with that problem? Ship as
'Architecture: powerpc i386 s390 sparc' instead of 'Arch: all' and be
done with it? Also, will eclipse, with missing dependencies (-> jdks
are not packged), move into testing? 

Theoretically (actually: practically) SWT is runable with kaffe, so
swt could be build on other platforms. Eclipse on the other hand will
not run on a current kaffe.

I'm also very interested in if that's all I can do to get eclipse into
the sarge release (other than getting done with the outstanding RC


[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/e/eclipse.html
[2] http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/java2-status/jdk1.4-status.html
[3] https://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/lxdk/lxdk-p

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