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Re: Unable to compile class for JSP error after installing Tomcat 4 4.1.24

Try to add

in the tomcat4  start script in /etc/init.d/tomcat4 or  try to use jikes
as  compiler (see the  tomcat documentation).  Can you  mail us  when it
works ;-)

Jeff Self <jself@nngov.com> wrote:
> I just set up a new system. I'm running unstable since it has the newest
> Tomcat4. I installed the j2re1.4 and j2sdk1.4 debian packages from
> tux.org. I also installed tomcat4 (4.1.24). Java is working. I type java
> -version and I get:
> java version "1.4.1"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
> Blackdown-1.4.1-beta)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.4.1-beta, mixed mode)
> When I bring up Tomcat4 I get this:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
> An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
> Generated servlet error:
>     [javac] Since compiler setting isn't classic or modern,ignoring fork setting.
>     [javac] Compiling 1 source file
>     [javac] Since compiler setting isn't classic or modern,ignoring fork setting.
> Servlets are working, but not the JSP's.

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

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