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Re: mpkg-j2sdk and Sun's license

Michael Tuschik <M.Tuschik@gmx.de> wrote:
> Ah, ok. So  packaging two packages for J2SDK and J2RE  is the best way
> (IMHO).  Installing multiple SDK/JRE should be allowed. Especially for
> developers this is a must-have.

Maybe I  did not understand the question  (this is not the  firt nor the
last time ;-) ), but IMHO,  the question was two packages from on source
(jdk) or  a jdk (from jdk  with jre) and  a jre (from the  'original jre
distribution from Sun')? 

For the alternatives of javac (example):

  Selection    Alternative
      1        /usr/bin/jikes-sablevm
      2        /usr/bin/jikes
      3        /usr/bin/jikes-classpath
      4        /usr/bin/jikes-gij
      5        /usr/bin/jikes-kaffe
      6        /usr/bin/jikes-sun
*+    7        /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/bin/javac
      8        /usr/bin/gcj-wrapper-3.3

Enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

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