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how to fix my java installation?

Well, I've seemed to gotten myself into a bit of a mess.

I use cvsgrab (which requires java) on a sarge box to keep up to date with various projects on sourceforge. I regularly apt-get update/upgrade sarge, and along in the middle of February after an upgrade, my next use of cvsgrab choked, complaining about not being able to find a Threads class.

Well, I investigated, learned a lot about update-alternatives, read and re-read the Debian Java FAQ, and messed around with CLASSPATH and other things. To no avail. I usually try to solve my own Debian problems because I learn a lot that way, but I have to admit I am in need of direction. Ok. Here is my present situation:

The box is presently configured with jdk1.1, with all the links in /etc/alternatives pointing in the right direction. I invoke cvsgrab thusly

JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.1 ./cvsgrab.sh \
    -rootUrl http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/backtalk/
    -destDir /usr/local/src/backtalk \
    -package BackTalk

Now I want to emphasize that this *used* to work. Here is the response I get now:

"Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread"

It acts like a CLASSPATH problem, but the thread classes are right there:


And the same thing in /usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib.

<sigh>. What am I missing?

Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiss und nichts klappt.
Praxis ist, wenn alles klappt und keiner weiss warum.
Bei uns sind Theorie und Praxis vereint:
nichts klappt und keiner weiss warum!

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