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Re: failed building eclipse on powerpc

* Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck@ulg.ac.be> wrote:
> I'm trying to re-build eclipse on my ppc but...
> cp: cannot stat `/archives/debian/other/eclipse-2.1/source-tree/icon.xpm': 
> No such file or directory
> Is it because a previous error in the build process? My buffer is too
> short :-(
> Is it possible to build eclipse on a powerpc?

Thats still a question :)

Ok, lets find out:

having latest 2.1-4 packages, go into the eclipse-2.1 folder and
# fakeroot debian/rules clean
# fakeroot debian/rules uncompress
-> check what's in /source-tree 
# fakeroot debian/rules build
-> check what's in /source-tree. There should now be the icon.xpm

Hm, I'm not totally sure, what's happening here, but this seems like
a bug somewhere... If icon.xpm isn't there, please do a 
cd source-tree; cp plugins/platform-launcher/bin/linux/gtk/icon.xpm ./
(This should have been done by ant...)

Now do a 
cd .. ; fakeroot debian/rules binary
If thats the only problem, it should build the packages now.

Anyway, it seems that you didn't have the problem reported in 

BTW, it could happen, that you can't startup. This will happen when
eclipse thinks that your arch is ppc and not x86. If that's
happening, please try 
|eclipse -arch x86
and report back, if that helps. I will change the bootstrap script

The arch is used to set the path to the swt.jars and so they won't
be found if arch is not x86. eclipse -debug should also work, as 
this starts up java directly without letting the launcher setup 
the library path, but with setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


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