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Re: Eclipse on Debian unstable hangs

On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 04:08:59AM +0100, Michel Marti wrote:
> After using the Eclipse IDE for a while, the GUI components stop
> reacting on keyboard and mouse events and the CPU usage goes up to
> 100%. "top" shows that the cpu is eaten by java AND the X process.
> (about 50:50). I tried out eclipse 2.0.2 and also 2.1-RC1 (SWT
> version) and both versions show this problem. I also replaced
> the JDK (Sun 1.4.1) to 1.3.1 both this didn't help either.
> Using strace on the java process, it shows that java writes constantly
> writes on a unix socket (fd #8) and then tries to read from it, but
> read always returns EAGAIN.
> Any hints?

I also have seen this several times.
Imho this has to do with the gtk widgets, because eclipse itself seems
to work, but nothing happens on the widgets, no redraw etc...

I tried the motif version and I had no hang in daily use after that.

mike@rohleder.de - http://www.rohleder.de/ - mroh@IRCNet - #8207142@ICQ
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CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh..

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