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Re: Eclipse2.1RC1 package


* Takashi Okamoto <toraneko@kun.ne.jp> wrote:
> I uploaded new eclipse package. Please check here:
> deb http://yamaguch.sytes.net/~tora/tmp/eclipse/ ./

I just had a look at the package file there (It isn'T sundy yet,
where I have free net access...) and I'm wondering, whether the 
pde environment ist included there? The whole of the packages is as
big as the complete sdk.zip, so I guess they are in there somewhere
or is the deb format so bad compared to plain zip?

How often do you think will you updating your repository? I
usually find a lot of the new features (ok, in the moment there
aren't any...) quite usefull and usually even the nightlies are 
stable enough to develop with them. 

How do you build the packages? Is there a way to do that with ant,
so that the eclipse guys could integrate that into there own build
scripts, which generate the downloads? It could be quite nice to
have a repository on the eclipse.org server with the integrational

> These package still have following workaround:
>  + update manager should install plugin into /var/lib or HOME/eclipse.
>  + support motif bingings for SWT.

Just curious: How do you manage the plugins, which do not come via
updatemanager or eclipse itself (tomcat plugin, etc)? Is there a dir 
under /usr/local, which is 'linked' into eclipse via the .link 

Jan, waiting for sunday :)

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