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Re: Policy change proposal, Re: Bug#176628: sablevm: package incorrctly provides java1-runtime

> I'd like to point out that I wasn't advocating that
> the  debian maintainer tracks all VMs available for
> debian all the time. Just that she specifies a (i.e.
> at least one ;) free VM that the application works
> with in order to be in 'debian-free'.

Mm.. what worries me about this is that if I (say) choose Kaffe as my
working JVM and my package has Depends: kaffe, then all other users are
forced to install kaffe even if my package happens to work on most or
all other JVMs.

Perhaps Depends: kaffe | java1-runtime to show the user that I know it
works on kaffe but to allow a user to install some other JVM instead?


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