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Re: Ant

Ahmed <ahmed@baizid.org> wrote:

> Ant package (http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/ant.html) do
> not depend on any Java Compiler.
> This way, <javac/> ant task is unusable without some help (JAVA_HOME
> environment variable, build.compiler property). It is a core Ant
> task (http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/manual/index.html).

So isn't it a bug?

> On the opposite, Ant package depends on junit. So <junit/> task is 
> usable. But it is an optionnal Ant task.

I do not think it's a problem.

> What is the logic behind?

I think it's a bug, maybe Stephan will agree.

-- Arnaud Vandyck

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