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Re: Bug#163390: JNI Installation Directories (again)

> > Sure.  If nothing else, you can do it by replacing your java runtime
> > command with a short startup script that looks for
> > -Djava.library.path=foo on the
> And this works with kaffe, ibm-jdk, blackdown and sun jdk?

It'll work with any Java runtime that supports -Djava.library.path, but they 
all should support this since it's the standard way to specify a JNI search 

> This have to be mentioned in policy. Or maybe not. It should be quite
> obvious that you have to make such things.

I wouldn't want to force such a script on JVM maintainers; if they prefer to 
hard-code the debian JNI path in the JVM sources (as a debian patch) then 
that's cool with me.  I'm happy just to include a reference to such a script 
in whatever bugs end up being filed on the various JVMs.

I've written a perl script that does what I mentioned; it can be used as the 
JVM's primary runtime command.  It merely fixes the JNI search path and 
passes everything straight through to the real java runtime.

The script is below.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Starts a java runtime, ensuring that the debian JNI module directory is on
# the JNI search path.
# Variable $javaRuntime should be modified to suit the particular java
# runtime being used.
# Usage: As for the particular java runtime being used.
# Copyright (C) 2002 by Ben Burton <benb@acm.org>

use strict;

# The real java runtime:
my $javaRuntime = '/usr/bin/myjavaruntime';

# The debian JNI module directory:
my $debianJNIDir = '/usr/lib/jni';

# The command-line options to pass to the real java runtime:
my @commandLine;

# The full JNI search path to use:
my $JNIPath = '';

# Build the command-line from the arguments given.
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
  if ($arg =~ /^-Djava.library.path=(.+)$/) {
    # A component of the JNI search path has been given.
    if ($JNIPath) {
      $JNIPath = $JNIPath . ':' . $1;
    } else {
      $JNIPath = $1;
  } else {
    # Some other argument has been given.
    push @commandLine, $arg;

# Add the debian JNI module directory to the JNI search path if it's not
# already there.
if ($JNIPath !~ /(^|:)$debianJNIDir($|:)/) {
  if ($JNIPath) {
    $JNIPath = $JNIPath . ':' . $debianJNIDir;
  } else {
    $JNIPath = $debianJNIDir;

# Call the real Java runtime.
my @fullCommandLine = ( $javaRuntime, "-Djava.library.path=$JNIPath" );
push @fullCommandLine, @commandLine;
exec @fullCommandLine or exit(1);

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