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JVM Registry (was: CLASSPATH and Jikes)

> This is exactly the Java registry idea that's been discussed here in
> the past.  Check the archives from the end of last year.  You might
> in particular see Ben Burton's message with subject "JVM Registry:
> Implemented".
> I believe most people think it's basically a good idea, but I'm not
> sure if anyone's actively working on it now (?).

I haven't touched it since I posted the specs and the scripts and got almost 
no response, but it's all still publicly available (scripts and man pages) at:




Ben Burton
benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
Public Key: finger bab@debian.org

I was in love with this boy when I was five years old and I knew
we could really make it work. I was trying to convince him and he took
this hammer and hit me with it really hard.
	- Tori Amos

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