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Re: Bundling J2SDK 1.4?

>>>>> "Darryl" == Darryl L Pierce <mcpierce@telocity.com> writes:
    Darryl> I guess, based on the dependancy on libc6 2.3.1-1 or
    Darryl> better, I'm going to have to upgrade to unstable to get
    Darryl> this work? I'm using sarge currently. Is it worth it?

Unless 1.3.1 doesn't meet your needs, I'd say no.  However, when libc6
2.3.1 finally makes it into testing you'lll have to upgade anyway as
j2se < 1.4 don't work with it.


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin %

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