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Re: Java policy

This sounds reasonable. Could you file a wishlist bug against
java-common with this? It would really be nice.


// Ola

On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 11:53:30AM -0700, Per Bothner wrote:
> gcj also by default searches in jars in /usr/share/java/ext.
> The policy could add in 2.4:
>  Java libraries packages *may* add a sympolic link from
>  /usr/share/java/ext/packagename[-extraname].jar to
>  /usr/share/java/packagename[-extraname]-fullversion.jar.
> In 2.1 Virtual machines:
>  If a virtual machine has a mechanism to search the the jars
>  of one or more "extensions directories", it *should* use
>  /usr/share/java/ext as the default such directory.
> In 2.2 Java compilers:
>  If a Java compiler has a mechanism to search the the jars
>  of one or more "extensions directories", it *should* use
>  /usr/share/java/ext as the default such directory.
> -- 
> 	--Per Bothner
> per@bothner.com   http://www.bothner.com/per/
> -- 
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 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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