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Re: Limitations for dh_javadeps

>>>>> "T" == T Alexander Popiel <popiel@wolfskeep.com> writes:
    T> 6. Does anyone know of a good/simple way to set stuff up right
    T> to make both a library and a program package froma single
    T> source tree?  dh_make doesn't seem to handle this well, and I'm
    T> new enough at packaging that I'm not quite sure of the best way
    T> to approach this.  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    T> (Yes, I'm trying to package antlr this way, since it's the
    T> thing that I'm working with where my java code depends on code
    T> from a non-core java library... and thus could be used for
    T> testing all the dh_javadeps stuff.)

Look at /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.multi &
/usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.multi2 or alternately try one
of my packages, plotutils for suggestions.


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